Jiu-Jitsu for Women Vs. Men

Women’s jiu jitsu is available at Team Link in Northampton, Ma.

http://www.TeamLinkNoho.com or 413.584.5465 for more info



by Steven Kelliher, Demand Media

You can find woman fighting professionally in boxing, kickboxing and a host of other combat sports, but it is arguable that no martial art truly evens the odds between men and women quite as much as Brazilian jiu-jitsu does. Jiu-jitsu emphasizes technique, skill and resourcefulness over speed, agility and power, meaning women excel just as easily as men in the gym. Unlike other combat sports, it is not a rare sight to see women grappling with and getting the better of larger men on the jiu-jitsu mat, proving that the core tenet of the style has been preserved over the decades.

Technique Over Strength

The core tenet of Brazilian jiu-jitsu posits that the smaller man or woman can overcome a larger and stronger foe by utilizing superior grappling technique and using the opponent’s body against him or her. Other martial arts stylesand combat sports value technique, but the scales tend to tip disproportionally toward the faster and more powerful person. In jiu-jitsu, fighters rely on the connection between their mind and body and the finesse of their techniques to catch opponents off guard and to exploit openings they see in their opponent’s attacks. This core tenet puts men and women on far more equal terms than most other sports.

Training Methods

If you walk into a legitimate jiu-jitsu school with a quality instructor as a woman, you will not be treated any differently by the instructor or your male peers. Men and women train the same way in jiu-jitsu schools. Classes usually begin with technique demonstrations and drills and end with live rolling sessions. In truth, women tend to excel in the technical aspects of the style earlier than men because they are forced to use all of their skills to maximum effect to negate the physical advantages of their male training partners.

No Egos

Many professional fighters have egos, but those who consider themselves true martial artists usually display none of the egotistical behavior common in most sports. In the jiu-jitsu gym, students with oppressive egos will be tied into knots and humiliated by more skilled students that don’t appreciate their attitudes. In effect, this process of self policing in quality martial arts schools generally makes it an inviting atmosphere for students of both sexes and all levels, from beginner to expert.


Jiu-jitsu training differs from other arts in the physicality of the style. Training partners are in close physical contact throughout the session and often find themselves in positions — guard, full mount and others — that some women could find uncomfortable or threatening if they don’t know what to expect. It is important to do your research on the style before beginning training and to find a gym with an instructor and training partners you feel comfortable with.

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